Les chambres
At 43 sqm featuring a private balcony or terrace, these rooms boast ocean views and provide the perfect space to admire the rugged beauty of the Anse Poules Bleues. These rooms have a fresh upscale design with designer furniture and all the modern amenities expecting to be found in a contemporary setting such as WIFI. The bathrooms open into a spacious shower where one can experience some of our shower ritual experiences.
X1 King Size Bed
At 45 sqm featuring a private balcony or terrace, these rooms boast ocean views and provide the perfect space to admire the rugged beauty of the Anse Poules Bleues. These rooms have a fresh upscale design with designer furniture and all the modern amenities expecting to be found in a contemporary setting such as WIFI. The bathrooms open into a spacious shower where one can experience some of our shower ritual experiences.
X1 King Size Bed or X2 Twin Beds
Located in Cliff House and Beach House, with a clear view of the Anse Aux Poules Bleues Bay from the private terrace, this suite is spacious, contemporary and reverberates with the distinct heritage of the South.
X1 King Bed + 1 Sofa Bed
All suites are located on the ground floor of the Bay House. This suite is spacious, contemporary and reverberates with the distinct heritage of the South. Two En-suite bathrooms furnished with locally and sustainable amenities.
X1 King Bed + X1 Sofa Bed + X1 Extra Bed
Located at the Ocean House, The suite has a great view of the Bay from the private terrace and pool. With a separate living area, 1 bedroom and a stunning terrace; this home is spacious, contemporary and reverberates with the distinct heritage of the South.
X1 King Bed + X1 Sofa Bed + X1 Extra Bed
This suite is one of a kind , located at Cliff House, the suite bears a spectacular view of the entire bay. With a separate living area and terrace this suite is spacious, contemporary and reverberates with the distinct heritage of the South.
X1 King Bed + X2 Twin Beds + X1 Sofa Bed + X1 Extra Bed
Les tarifs
Offres spéciales
Special Offers
Validité : 10/04/2024 au 31/10/2025
Validité : 10/04/2024 au 31/10/2025
L'île : Mahé

L'île principale des Seychelles est, sans aucun doute, l'une des plus belles îles du monde avec ses 70 plages au caractère particulier. Les magnifiques formations rocheuse, qui séparent les plages de l'intérieur de l'île, ressemblent à un décor de théâtre dans lequel se fond l'élégante architecture des hôtels.
Composée de mornes granitiques recouverts d’une forêt exubérante, Mahé, centre économique, est l’île la plus haute de l’archipel (905m), la plus grande (27 km de long et 8 km de large), et aussi la plus habitée (environ 20 000 des seychellois y vivent), avec sa capitale Victoria et l’aéroport international.
Prenez le temps de la connaître, de découvrir son abondante végétations, ses parfums, ses sentiers forestiers qui cheminent jusqu'à ses hauteurs, ses plantations et ses plages de sable blanc.
Le Nord de l’île, plus touristique, séduira les amateurs de sports nautiques, alors que le Sud, plus sauvage, charmera les amoureux de la nature.
Découvrir Mahé, c’est se balader en empruntant les routes côtières ou de montagnes, d’où vous jouirez d’une vue panoramique sur ses lagons turquoise. Louer une voiture est donc quasiment indispensable.