Les chambres
Stylish comfort with tropical views. Enjoy laidback living with slumbersome beds.
Stylish comfort with tropical views. Enjoy laidback living with slumbersome beds.
Take sleep seriously in this cool haven of contemporary comforts, where greenery meets the eye.
Take sleep seriously in this cool haven of contemporary comforts, where greenery meets the eye.
Wake up to fresh ocean breezes from your balcony, with poolside views and a backdrop of lapping waves.
Stay just a few steps away from stunning white sands, beckoning you to come and play. Beach bunnies apply.
Sip, chill and unwind on your private balcony overlooking the turquoise lagoon - who wouldn't fancy that?
Laze away a little longer in your cocoon of comforts or welcome your day from your breezy balcony with the perfect cup of coffee.
Kickback in spacious, island chic, swim-up rooms with private cabanas on your deck for sunny, easy days.
Spend the day sunning on your terrace or head to the beach for a dip. No excuses needed to curl up for those binge-watching evenings.
Super comfy beds, with separate living spaces to spread out and relax. Spend quiet mornings on your private balcony.
This category can accommodate up to 3 adults OR 2 adults + 2 children (under 12 years).
Space meets modern comforts, wtih a separate living rom and spacious bathroom. Bask in beachside views or catch-up on some serious snooze.
This category can accommodate up to 3 adults OR 2 adults + 2 children (under 12 years).
Beach holidays are complete with extra living space, walk-in and al fresco showers and a tempting plunge pool. Chill out in your own private cabana with beach scenes just beyond.
This category can accommodate up to 3 adults OR 2 adults + 2 children (under 12 years).
Premium Two-Bedroom Beach Access Pool Suite is equivalent to 1 Premium Beach Access Pool Suite interconnecting to 1 Premium Beach Access Room:
Space meets modern comforts, wtih a separate living rom and spacious bathroom. Bask in beachside views or catch-up on some serious snooze. Beach holidays are complete with extra living space, walk-in and al fresco showers and a tempting plunge pool. Chill out in your own private cabana with beach scenes just beyond.
This category can accommodate up to 6 adults OR 4 adults + 3 children (under 12 years).
Les tarifs
Offres spéciales
Special Offers
Validité : 11/07/2024 au 31/10/2025
Validité : 11/07/2024 au 31/10/2025
L'île : Mahé

L'île principale des Seychelles est, sans aucun doute, l'une des plus belles îles du monde avec ses 70 plages au caractère particulier. Les magnifiques formations rocheuse, qui séparent les plages de l'intérieur de l'île, ressemblent à un décor de théâtre dans lequel se fond l'élégante architecture des hôtels.
Composée de mornes granitiques recouverts d’une forêt exubérante, Mahé, centre économique, est l’île la plus haute de l’archipel (905m), la plus grande (27 km de long et 8 km de large), et aussi la plus habitée (environ 20 000 des seychellois y vivent), avec sa capitale Victoria et l’aéroport international.
Prenez le temps de la connaître, de découvrir son abondante végétations, ses parfums, ses sentiers forestiers qui cheminent jusqu'à ses hauteurs, ses plantations et ses plages de sable blanc.
Le Nord de l’île, plus touristique, séduira les amateurs de sports nautiques, alors que le Sud, plus sauvage, charmera les amoureux de la nature.
Découvrir Mahé, c’est se balader en empruntant les routes côtières ou de montagnes, d’où vous jouirez d’une vue panoramique sur ses lagons turquoise. Louer une voiture est donc quasiment indispensable.